new shicoh motor co.,ltd|optical image stabilization-凯发网

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ois auto-focus actuator
compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure reed type single axis movement structure hanging wire and reed type three axis movement structure increase the lateral movement of the lens, there is anti shake effect
design traditional reed structure, the structure tends to maturity the suspension wire and reed structure need to solve the frequency resonance and adjust the position sensor and ic together higher entry threshold, greater value-added
technology thermosetting adhesive thermosetting adhesive and shock absorbing adhesive frequency resonance reduction
performance lens unidirectional movement three axis motion of lens optical anti shake, improve picture quality
use function configurable high speed focusing, high pixel function configurable high-speed focus, high pixel, night shot enhancement, optical anti shake function shooting in complex environments gives better picture quality
  old products
material quality /
structure reed type single axis movement structure
design traditional reed structure, the structure tends to maturity
technology thermosetting adhesive
performance lens unidirectional movement
use function configurable high speed focusing, high pixel function
  new product
material quality /
structure hanging wire and reed type three axis movement structure
design the suspension wire and reed structure need to solve the frequency resonance and adjust the position sensor and ic together
technology thermosetting adhesive and shock absorbing adhesive
performance three axis motion of lens
use function configurable high-speed focus, high pixel, night shot enhancement, optical anti shake function
material quality /
structure increase the lateral movement of the lens, there is anti shake effect
design higher entry threshold, greater value-added
technology frequency resonance reduction
performance optical anti shake, improve picture quality
use function shooting in complex environments gives better picture quality
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