new shicoh motor co.,ltd|talent strategy-凯发网

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talent strategy
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 strengthening the enterprise by talents is a strategic requirement for the company's sustainable and healthy development and  the internal motivation for its scientific and technological innovation and leapfrog development. it is related to the process of scientific research and production, management, reform and development of new shicoh, as well as its prosperity. our talent strategy adheres to the principle of "serving for development, giving priority to talents, function-oriented, innovation mechanism, high-end leading, overall development". we further emancipate our mind, reform and innovate, following the laws of the market economy. we categorize our talents into different types and levels and adopt different management ideas, and closely grasp such key procesures of building a strong talent pool as selection, use, education, and retention. based on the principle of serving for the company's scientific development, we focus on cultivating high-level and innovative talents, and innovate human resources development management model, optimize team structure, improve the quality of the talent team and stimulate their vitality, providing strong organizational guarantee, talent guarantee and intellectual support to further enhance the core competitiveness and sustainable development ability of new shicoh.
    to make full use of domestic and foreign talent resources, we attract, gather and help all kinds of outstanding talents.we established open, competitive, merit-based and standardized talent selection, use, cultivation, evaluation and incentive mechanisms that meet the requirements of the new industry system of the company. we vigorously lead our team to develop towards marketization, professionalization, specialization and internationalizatio, and strive to build a vcm talent team with appropriate scale, professional support, structural optimization and excellent quality. by the end of 2017, our talent team  remained at around 2,800. among the employees, the proportion of scientific and technological talents who are engaged in pre-research activities will reach 12%; among the professional and technical talents; among the scientific and technological and management talents, the proportion of senior professional and technical personnel is 18%; among the skill-oriented talents, the proportion of employees with technician  and above title is 10%. the competitive advantage of talents has been further enhanced. as the competitiveness of the team has been continuously improved, the efficiency of talent input has been significantly enhanced.

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