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shanghai and jiashan: a "two cities record" by an inter provincial worker"

release date:2017-06-20

xinhua news agency, hangzhou, june 19, (reporter zhang xuan yu wanfang wen yu) zhejiang, jiashan, has a geographical advantage, richly endowed by nature east of shanghai, north of suzhou, is the yangtze river delta two provinces and one city of rendezvous, zhejiang is the bridgehead into shanghai.
shen weiying, who is based in shanghai, songjiang district, now works as a finance manager at the new thinking motor company in jiashan. he travels to shanghai and jiashan every day.
"it's two cities, but it's as convenient as working in a city, and it doesn't make any difference." shen said with a smile.
shen weiying clearly remember that october 21, 2015 is the first day she drove from shanghai to zhejiang jiashan to work day. from that day on, she officially opened the work and life of shanghai and jiashan, shuangcheng.
at 7:30 in the morning, shen set out from her home in shanghai and drove her white car to work. "before the enterprise is still in shanghai songjiang site, more than 10 kilometers of road drive to more than 40 minutes to the unit, now drive high speed, 35 kilometers of road 40 minutes also open to the unit."."
the business requires her to arrive at 8:30 in the morning. she will be able to sit in the office at 8:20, change her overalls and start her day's work.
shanghai to jiashan, every day as she ran around, colleagues in the meantime, there are one or two people. to this end, the company has also dedicated employees for the shuttle bus. shen weiying said, in fact, there are many colleagues here have second homes, stay in jiashan.
when asked why the company moved from shanghai to jiashan in songjiang, shen weiying said: "the investment environment in jiashan is very friendly, and the manpower cost here is low.". human cost can be reduced by 30%."
not only that, jiashan county economic and technological development zone enjoys the same telecommunications network as the shanghai area code. therefore, after the enterprise moved from shanghai, 021 of the area code is retained.
it is understood that the enterprises to use the original plant is wool textile factory, the "pre leasing plant, post purchase way, slowly this piece of land in jiashan -- with the new thinking of the establishment of the jiashan based company, headquartered in japan r & d center will be gradually transferred to jiashan.
secretary for economic development of jiashan economic and technological development zone, jiashan jia yufei said, "good" transformation and upgrading development zone will be some of the original project made after the stock fell to vacate the low-end asset base, tailored options for the introduction of the enterprise, let them move into operation after the production cost can be greatly reduced.
the jiashan and shanghai exchanges between also formed a unique "13579" phenomenon: the people of jiashan or 10% relatives working in shanghai, more than 30% industrial products for supporting shanghai, 50% of the supply of agricultural products in shanghai, 70% tourists from shanghai and 90% foreign domestic investment outside the county directly or indirectly affected by the shanghai and into jiashan......
as for shen, there is a big reason to like jiashan. it's a beautiful place and a tourist attraction. there are ancient towns of xitang, song of songs, chocolate town and so on. "after work, sometimes we go to xitang for dinner, and we go around with our colleagues and friends."." shen weiying says.
jiashan county records, jiashan because of the "honest, claire good" name. jiashan is good at water and soil change, development mode, good at initiative in shanghai, and good at balancing urban and rural development......
"people in jiashan, touch the misty rain, jiangnan."." in the ancient town of xitang, the guest book, a visitor wrote.

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