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temper forward, create brilliant-—a speech by the general manager of the 2018 annual event

release date:2018-02-02

dear chairman cai ,chairman yan, my colleagues and representatives of strategic cooperation supplier:

             at the beginning of the spring festival, everything looks fresh and gay again .today, we are full of people, get together here and hold the 2017 tailgate banquet of the new shicoh . on the occasion of the spring festival, on behalf of the company and myself, i would like to extend my sincere greetings and good wishes to all the guests tonight, all the staff and their families. i wish you all a happy new year, a successful career, happy congratulations, family happiness!

             in the past year, the company has made remarkable achievements in the industry with its tenacious strategic force in deepening reform, development and efficiency improvement in the global economic recovery and the complex and ever-changing domestic economic environment and fierce competition in the industry. the company surrendered a comprehensive transcript of growth and achieved a series of groundbreaking achievements from zero to one, laying the foundation for redevelopment and accumulating profound the same time, i would like to take this opportunity to express my heart-felt gratitude to my colleagues for their dedication, hard work, hard work and hard work in the past year. in the meantime, i would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to the strategic cooperation suppliers who have demonstrated outstanding performance in the qcds and strongly supported the development of new shicoh in the past year. i also hope that in 2018, as always, we will support the development of new shicoh and keep up with the new pace of development by leaps and bounds. we will uphold the concept of sharing our honor and shame with one boat and the same boat with the new shicoh to achieve the grand goal of 2018!

          our new shicoh good performance in 2017 is as follows:

          1. our sales volume is an explosive year for shipments. shipment volume in january-december was nearly 90kk, an increase of 40% over the same period of previous year, with annual sales of nearly 400 million yuan, an increase of 10% over the same period of last year. so we become the largest vcm motor production center.

          2. as for the acquisition of patents, by the end of 2017, we have obtained 185 invention patents and 50 practical patents, all of which have obtained the accreditation of jiaxing patent demonstration enterprise and zhejiang high-tech enterprise successively.

          3. in terms of production efficiency, thanks to a large amount of investment in equipment and process automation, the per-unit production efficiency has been boosted by 7 times over the same period of the previous year and the maximum monthly production capacity has been increased by 15kk in terms of process improvement and equipment utilization rate improvement. . light project after three years of revival and breakthrough bottlenecks difficulties, the successful mass production, the average monthly shipment of 80k.

          4. promote innovative, efficient and thorough implementation of working methods and management systems. the company has successively promulgated various system process specifications, work tracking plan and reporting mechanism, performance appraisal system for all personnel, and cost budgeting system, and paid close attention to the implementation of auditing. in a strict management atmosphere, only a standard attendance management, front-line staff through late and leave the post such as supervision, for the company a monthly saving of nearly 50,000 yuan. during the year, total labor productivity increased month by month, an increase of 2.4 times from the beginning of the year.

         these achievements are inseparable from the hard work of all staff and work together to make us for ourselves! this is an extraordinary year for us! give the warmest applause!

         2017 has quietly gone, leaving time to think too much memory, the hardships and bitterness of the new shicoh who knows, after the "phoenix nirvana" comparable to the process of breaking into a butterfly. we count the gains, but also did not forget to summarize. this year, there is still a gap between our quality management and our r & d capability needs to be improved. our process system needs to be further improved. in 2018, we still have a long way to go!

according to gfk statistics, sales of 455 million smartphones in china in 2017 were mobile phones with a sales volume of 1.03 trillion yuan and an average selling price of 2,250 yuan. china's handset sales in 2018 are expected to be flat with 2017.

         the current market analysis, the smart phone's front camera, 8m ,because of high cost performance, will replace the 5m into the mainstream; after the camera by the large pixels, 16m, 20m, will become the next wave of mainstream demand.with the emergence of dual camera, closer to the distance between the phone and the camera, but also to meet the consumer demand for higher and higher camera. multi-camera solutions are maturing and the ois / dual ois become the standard flagship aircraft. oppo plans to use cp technology for its new model in 2018 year and huawei plans to adopt a three-shot model for the new p20. it is estimated that by 2020 year, the number of mobile phones with dual cameras will account for 34.8% of the total mobile phone market and the estimated shipment volume will reach 530 million. converted into our vcm motor, is nearly 1 billion.

         first, the overall strategic layout in 2018:

         1. we will vigorously develop program providers, fully rolled out the distribution of high school low-end market, strive to achieve sales target is 560 million, the shipping goal of more than 180 million;

         2. the annual capacity plan is still rising, the expansion project will be completed in mid-march 2018.

         3. to enhance the r & d capability of technology, with the opportunity of the first year of listing, r & d and investment in new technologies, new products and new materials will continue to be laid, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent steady growth of the enterprises.

       second, in 2018 to enhance management:

       1.kpi goal adhere to the customer-oriented, through the effective control of customer value components and management, to further improve customer satisfaction and loyalty to the company, and ultimately enhance the company's value;

       2.improve employee incentive mechanism, leading the charge sharing mechanism, such as research and development project awards, patent awards, awards and other recommendations of the rationalization of the implementation of incentives to fully stimulate the potential of employees;

       3. vigorously strengthen the welfare construction and gradually establish and improve a comprehensive welfare policy such as medical security benefits, subsidy benefits, employee career development benefits, investment savings benefits, entertainment benefits and living allowances so as to enhance employees' sense of well-being and access.

      4. catalytic energy organization, promote the strategic landing. according to the development needs of the organization design staff growth path and personnel training programs, design and development of multiple learning forms, build a professional team of lecturer team, to help build a working environment conducive to staff continued struggle, promote business and organizational goals in order to achieve organizational capabilities.

      do not say that the spring of this year is going to come to an end, and the spring will be more beautiful next year. our new shicoh will be better and better.

achievements belong to the past and work hard to win the future. we hope that we will as always, unite as one, work together, work together and do our part in the 2018.let us be full of pride, seize the opportunities and meet the challenges. with more firm conviction, more pragmatic style, more high morale, for our common cause and work hard to achieve new shicoh 2020 listed to make greater contribution to the development. in the new year, we must bear in mind the mission, strengthen our confidence, never forget the beginning of our hearts, unite as one, unite as one, take advantage of opportunities, take active actions as hard work, and do not stop at dreams. pay close attention to execution, my blog, in all of you, perseverance, more and more courage, you insist, difficult to insist, as insisted! to do best, pay the ultimate reward!

      find fragrant street flowers such as kam, off the first branch of the east wind. the new arena is full of infinite hope has been set up a big stage, the device will be loud, ambitious people must go back far. ladies and gentlemen, i also take this opportunity to take this opportunity to realize the value and dream i have dreamed of on the platform of new shicoh. i also wish you all the best for your future and ambitious future! i believe many years later, you will be proud of your decisions and efforts today. heaven pay ground, business road to pay the letter, humane reward, 2018, let us embrace more harvest and growth together to create a better future! win 2018!

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