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new shicoh on the summary of 2018 and future prospects

release date:2018-12-30

year end overview 

time flies, time flies, a busy and tense year is about to pass, or decadent, or passionate... we gather here for in-depth analysis, breadth outlook, summary of 2018 and planning of 2019.

01 annual summary and outlook of the company 

simon summarized the company's production capacity, actual production quantity, shipment volume, sales volume, product research and development, automation upgrade and productivity improvement, organizational optimization, labor costs, employee welfare and other aspects from a macro perspective, affirmed the achievements of 2018, and guided the company's future development direction according to the industry situation. simon pointed out that next year's market is like today's jiashan weather (yesterday's rainy day, bitter cold wind, but today's annual meeting is sunny), although the winter is bitter cold wind, mountains and waters are cold, but there is still sunshine, brilliant! for new shicoh, there will be greater challenges and difficulties next year, but the crisis in the crisis is an opportunity. new shicoh must seize the strategic opportunity period in the crisis. all personnel in all departments need to improve their crisis awareness and global awareness, reflect deeply, respond positively, constantly consciously improve their ability, be enterprising, overcome difficulties, and the more frustrated, the stronger, and never slack off!

02.operations management department 

vice president huang has made in-depth analysis and reflection on output value, shipment volume and gross profit rate, and has formulated a business plan for next year.simon hopes that in 2019, the operations management department will take the best cost as the center, lead and supervise all departments to carry out cost-oriented work, and take the initiative to challenge the higher goals of the new year.

03.sales and services department 

director liu reported on the overall environment, the 2018-year production of various brands of mobile phones, the sales of domestic motors, the 2018-year sales of new shicoh and the 2019-year planning. simon always hopes that sales estimates for sales and shipment increment in 2019 are based on previous data and market demand analysis at the present stage, and sales in the process of responding to customer demand, must be clear about the cost and direction, business conditions and technical conditions in parallel. in the next year's market development, chairman cai proposed that we need to have a deeper understanding of the status of other industrial chains in order to prepare for the future.

04 financial management department 

senior financial managers have made a detailed analysis of the company's overall financial data this year.simon always hopes that after the introduction of erp and mes systems, the manual data statistics will be reduced and the risk of manual checking will be higher. big data must be exported through systematic accounting. from the financial report, it is not difficult to find that the impact of yield on net profit is very important to improve yield. detailed problems in the financial report reflect that some functional departments of the company do not have a deep understanding of the company's products. it is hoped that all departments of the company will strengthen product knowledge learning and improve the accuracy of business processing.

05 r&d department 

vice president wang of r&d starts with the quality commitment of r&d and "strives for development through scientific and technological innovation, with zero design defects as its mission". vice president wang reports that r&d is actively carrying out research and development of new projects. he thanks the company for its innovative platform, but the effect of project implementation is not satisfactory. at the same time, the personnel changes of r&d are analyzed. next year's personnel introduction and internal training need to be further advanced. r&d has obtained more patent applications this year, and other departments are encouraged to actively carry out technological innovation and apply for patents. simon requests r&d to formulate design evaluation standards, product development to achieve standardization, and strive for one-time approval of new product development.

06 project management department 

as a newly established department, the project management department has new challenges. pm has outstanding language advantages, but its professional skills are relatively weak. in the new year, pm needs to do more improvement and upgrading. do a good job of bridge between customers and factories, timely feedback of customer needs to the relevant departments of the company and so on. simon said that the project management department needs to improve the performance appraisal within the department, and make good use of the project communication meetings every saturday, to better promote the project development.

07 production management department 

"quick response, fine planning, accurate accounting, zero target of shed unloading assets" is the quality goal of management. simon always puts forward new requirements in this area. 2019 is a year when new shicoh and vigorous implementation of information management landed. health management can make better use of the system, reduce the proportion of personnel statistics, unify the data caliber, and improve the accuracy of data. at the meeting, all the salesmen were explained the "production and sales rate", and hope that all the salesmen can improve their sales forecasting ability. regarding the problem of sluggish warehouse products in 2018, simon emphasized once again that the performance of salesmen should be linked, whether finished products or raw materials should comply with the standard process, which must be greatly improved in 2019.

08 manufacturing department 

vice president wang said at the meeting that compared with 2017 years and 2018 years, production capacity and efficiency have been greatly improved, and the reasons for the failure to meet the standard of through yield have been analyzed. manufacturing in 2018 years has a good control over labor costs, and the per capita efficiency has also been greatly improved. vice president wang mentioned the quality problem at the meeting, and also made a review and reflection. to a great extent, the quality problem occurred because the field workers did not strictly follow the process, and there were also some problems in the quality management of the manufacturing interior. after the improvement, the qualified rate had been greatly improved. simon has to strictly implement performance appraisal on the quality issues within manufacturing. at the meeting, the salesmen at the meeting gave their own explanations for the trial-production questions put forward by vice president wang. simon summarized that sales also need to take reasonable consideration of the resources in the factory when taking orders.

09 technology engineering department 

vice-president cui briefly summarized the newly introduced equipment of the 18-year process and the 2018-year project optimization items. as for the problems of newly introduced equipment in the past 2018 years, we have also made great efforts in debugging, and have made great breakthroughs in recent years. in terms of engineering optimization, the automation rate has been greatly improved in 2017 years. through process optimization and standardization, the ministry of technology and engineering has saved a lot of costs for the company, and the relevant departments have also obtained greater convenience. vice president cui also reflected on the shortcomings of 2018 years, and will continue to improve and upgrade related models in 2019 years.

10 productivity improvement department 

director dong summarized the progress of pe project in the past 2018 years and the yield of each model. he analyzed the main types of pe project and the key improvement projects this year, and put forward the 2019-year yield improvement plan. as a newly established department in this year, simon always requires that the recruitment needs of personnel be clarified and internal training be actively carried out to improve the skills of on-the-job personnel.

11 quality management department 

director xu used two words to summarize the annual work of quality - "alarm" and "nervousness". in the past 2018 years, we have not done very well in quality. compared with 2017 years, director xu has done a good job in four aspects: lot eligibility rate, sorting cost, claim cost and number of complaints. we also have some parts to improve. director xu summarized the bad quality problems and put forward the improvement plan. simon always put forward that in 2019, he hoped that under the leadership of vice president wang, the quality department would be able to improve greatly and truly realize "quality is dignity, quality is cost, quality is order, quality is profit"!

12 procurement department 

"keeping time and quality as the purchasing mission, always challenging the bottom line of the industry purchasing price" is the quality commitment of the purchasing department. director li is proud to say: "we did it in 2018!" whether in the development of new suppliers or in the process of 21 kk production, the purchasing department has made every effort. the purchasing department uses all channels to ensure that the company can obtain quality assurance and timely delivery of materials. in 2018, it has used five strategies to reduce procurement costs and save costs for the company's development. in 2019, the procurement department will continue to develop new suppliers to reduce procurement costs and operational risks.

13 administration department 

in the new period of development, the company has become the quality goal of the administrative department to establish a service team and standard that is suitable for the rapid development of the company. director liu of the administration has analyzed the objectives of 2018 from the aspects of human resources, administrative logistics, information construction, safety environment, power equipment energy, various auditing cases, etc. the overall situation has been improved compared with 2017 years. promotion, especially in the aspect of cost improvement, as an important target of the year, has made some achievements. simon asked for an in-depth review of 2017 and 2018 years in equipment grafting major accident analysis and improvement measures, energy supply is not a joke, once an accident occurs, it will have an inestimable impact on production, zero accidents in 2019. in addition, we will increase the reserve of middle and high-end managerial and technical personnel, and make greater investment in the provision of training resources for employees. talent evaluation and team building are still the main theme of human resources work in 2019.

finally, chairman cai made a concluding statement. in 2019, the industry situation is not clear yet. leave some surplus grain in your pocket and take it slowly. next year will be a challenging year, but next year will be an important year for new shicoh to go out. shicoh has begun to lay out in many fields, and the platform will become bigger and better.

the meeting was successfully concluded in a sound of reading aloud. simon led all the participants to read the new employee's speech together. i hope you will never forget your first intention and make further efforts in the new year.

"you are an outstanding person who is new shicoh, willing to come and work for the company. your progress in the company mainly depends on your ability to learn, absorb and re-innovate. your contribution to the company mainly depends on the application and imparting of your past professional skills and rich work experience. consensus cohesion, no distance from public heart, no line from one silk, no forest from one tree, no team. the strength is infinite. in the team, you are expected to take responsibility as your basic mission, take the interests of the company as the most business mission, and make the best use of your talents, materials, duties, diligence, hard work and complaint. do not pretend to be pragmatic and efficient, do not over-dress up, greed for merits and demerits, and be enterprising, resolute, and never slack in the face of setbacks!

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