new shicoh motor co.,ltd|auto focus motor-凯发网

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af motor lf for cameras with large lens conemp

compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure elements contained in a metal case sandwich interlocking structure pre-stress generated after elements being assembled in right places
design the motor magnet coils being evenly arranged on the four sides and four corners of the motor. ring yoke matched with annular sheet magnet improved flux utilization to increase thrust
technology sheet magnet with single-sided unipolar magnetic polarization ring magnet of unidirectional magnetization increased magnet source volume
performance autofocus of ordinary lens long travelled focus for large-size lens suitable for autofocus of large lens in monitoring camera
use function / / /
  old products
material quality /
structure elements contained in a metal case
design the motor magnet coils being evenly arranged on the four sides and four corners of the motor.
technology sheet magnet with single-sided unipolar magnetic polarization
performance autofocus of ordinary lens
use function /
  new product
material quality /
structure sandwich interlocking structure
design ring yoke matched with annular sheet magnet
technology ring magnet of unidirectional magnetization
performance long travelled focus for large-size lens
use function /
material quality /
structure pre-stress generated after elements being assembled in right places
design improved flux utilization to increase thrust
technology increased magnet source volume
performance suitable for autofocus of large lens in monitoring camera
use function /
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