new shicoh motor co.,ltd|auto focus motor-凯发网

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bi-directional af motor weh for cameramp

compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure ordinary metal case metal case with metal shield shrinked opening helps to prevent dust and improve stability
design unidirectional travel autofocus bi-directional travel autofocus reduced the required drive current and power consumption by bidirectional travel
technology the air core coil assembled on the carrier the coil wound directly on the carrier enhance reliablility and impact resistance
performance ordianry optical axis: 12~15' optical axis: 8' applied for high pixel and high imaging requirement
use function conventional focus-finder algorithms able to match pdaf fast focus
  old products
material quality /
structure ordinary metal case
design unidirectional travel autofocus
technology the air core coil assembled on the carrier
performance ordianry optical axis: 12~15'
use function conventional focus-finder algorithms
  new product
material quality /
structure metal case with metal shield
design bi-directional travel autofocus
technology the coil wound directly on the carrier
performance optical axis: 8'
use function able to match pdaf
material quality /
structure shrinked opening helps to prevent dust and improve stability
design reduced the required drive current and power consumption by bidirectional travel
technology enhance reliablility and impact resistance
performance applied for high pixel and high imaging requirement
use function fast focus
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