new shicoh motor co.,ltd|optical image stabilization-凯发网

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ois auto-focus actuator
compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure the lens shift type optical image stabilizer the lens rotating optical image stabilizer in the same motor size, improve shot size, improve the pixel camera
design suspension suspension design is difficult to assemble and easy to damage when subjected to mechanical shock shrapnel suspension design, assembly high yield, and mechanical shock is not easy to damage high yield helps to reduce costs, promote the anti tremor spread to the low order price of mobile phone camera
technology circuit plate coil direct winding drain the supply bottleneck from a single vendor and reduce costs
performance the 9.5x9.5 is the optical anti tremor motor can collocation phi6.5 lens (16m/13m) the 9.5x9.5 is the optical anti tremor motor collocation phi7.0 lens (20m/16m) the appearance of camera size limit is limited, to improve the pixel to 20 million pixel camera
use function handshaken, optical anti af handshaken, optical anti af, and the optical axis correction to improve the image quality the optical axis correction can effectively improve the image resolution
  old products
material quality /
structure the lens shift type optical image stabilizer
design suspension suspension design is difficult to assemble and easy to damage when subjected to mechanical shock
technology circuit plate coil
performance the 9.5x9.5 is the optical anti tremor motor can collocation phi6.5 lens (16m/13m)
use function handshaken, optical anti af
  new product
material quality /
structure the lens rotating optical image stabilizer
design shrapnel suspension design, assembly high yield, and mechanical shock is not easy to damage
technology direct winding
performance the 9.5x9.5 is the optical anti tremor motor collocation phi7.0 lens (20m/16m)
use function handshaken, optical anti af, and the optical axis correction to improve the image quality
material quality /
structure in the same motor size, improve shot size, improve the pixel camera
design high yield helps to reduce costs, promote the anti tremor spread to the low order price of mobile phone camera
technology drain the supply bottleneck from a single vendor and reduce costs
performance the appearance of camera size limit is limited, to improve the pixel to 20 million pixel camera
use function the optical axis correction can effectively improve the image resolution
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