new shicoh motor co.,ltd|auto focus motor-凯发网

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13m pixel af actuator fma01mp

compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure / size: .5x8.5-h2.9, lens holder in the bottom ordinary open-loop structure to meet conventional shooting requirements
design / f-shaped pad for b spring pseudo soldering prevention
technology / laser welded b spring and pad high welding strength and automation efficiency
performance / stroke: 270um, tilt:10 to meet conventional shooting requirements
use function / autofocus with long stroke be suitable for 13m/16m autofocus shooting
  old products
material quality /
structure /
design /
technology /
performance /
use function /
  new product
material quality /
structure size: .5x8.5-h2.9, lens holder in the bottom
design f-shaped pad for b spring
technology laser welded b spring and pad
performance stroke: 270um, tilt:10
use function autofocus with long stroke
material quality /
structure ordinary open-loop structure to meet conventional shooting requirements
design pseudo soldering prevention
technology high welding strength and automation efficiency
performance to meet conventional shooting requirements
use function be suitable for 13m/16m autofocus shooting
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