new shicoh motor co.,ltd|auto focus motor-凯发网

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48m anti-magnetic interference and anti-shake af actuator csa01mp

compared with the old products, what are the improvements(structure, material, technology, process, performance and use function)
with the increasing mobile phone camera pixel camera, auto focus motor dynamic axis tilt angle requirements increasingly strict, consider upgrading the camera autofocus motor can meet the high pixel application, the new products of high pixel camera autofocus motor has the following improvement:
  old products new product utility
material quality / / /
structure / be composed of an ois and an close loop vcm ois
design / using closed-loop hall to sense the focus position for precise focus; using sma energized deformation characteristics combined with the clamping mechanism to achieve ois closed loop improves focus accuracy and saves focus time significantly
technology / add closed-loop induction components; assembly of sma components; assembly of vcm sma ois components separate assembly can improve assembly efficiency, and final assembly reduces assembly failure
performance / x, y stroke: 120um to provide high-pixel image
use function / ois, af be suitable for high pixel lens
  old products
material quality /
structure /
design /
technology /
performance /
use function /
  new product
material quality /
structure be composed of an ois and an close loop vcm
design using closed-loop hall to sense the focus position for precise focus; using sma energized deformation characteristics combined with the clamping mechanism to achieve ois
technology add closed-loop induction components; assembly of sma components; assembly of vcm sma ois components
performance x, y stroke: 120um
use function ois, af
material quality /
structure ois
design closed loop improves focus accuracy and saves focus time significantly
technology separate assembly can improve assembly efficiency, and final assembly reduces assembly failure
performance to provide high-pixel image
use function be suitable for high pixel lens
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